Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hong Kong: Food Paradise

Oh Hong Kong, you were wonderful. You truly are a food paradise. But since I've been in the Philippines for the last few days, I'm going to start posting about that.


  1. Hey hey hey,
    Did you really put all that food into you? :-)
    I enjoyed the blog anyway and its good humour. Hope all the travelling goes well...

  2. Thanks, Nadege! You know what I'm capable of, of course I'm eating it all!

  3. Hi Lina! I was looking for some foodrelated blogs about Japan and found you : I'm going to read them all (and as for Japan : try them all in april 2011) ! You and Anthony Bourdain : my heroes! Keep writing, love it.

  4. Mo, you are lucky. I am debating going back to Japan in April as well. There's just too much good material there!
